Physical activity in childhood
Physical Activity, Social Status, Body Mass Index, Gender, Obesity, SedentarismAbstract
Background: The regular practice of physical exercise is not common among children. The childs sedentary life style can have untoward effects in the future populations health levels, since childhood is an essential period for the acquisition of healthy habits. No studies have been performed in Portugal addressing the level of physical activity in this age group. Aims: To characterize the level of physical activity in Portuguese children; to study the association between physical activity and gender, age, sociocultural level of the family and sedentary behaviour. Methods: An analytical study of the children from primary schools of Vila Nova de Gaia (North of Portugal) was performed. A successive step sample (n=440) was selected. The association between physical activity and gender, age, sociocultural level of the family and sedentary behaviour was studied. Results: 316 valid questionnaires (72,5%) were obtained. Mean age was eight and 49.7% were girls. 46,2% of children were active, 38,6% little active and 15,2% very active. 65,2% were little sedentary, 26,3% moderately sedentary and 8,5% very sedentary. Statistically significant differences were found between genders and level of activity, which was higher in boys. No association between physical activity and sociocultural level of the family, body mass index and sedentary behaviour was found. Discussion: Activity level in heavy exercise was found to be lower than in other countries, while the participation in moderate exercise is the same. The association between physical activity and gender is supported in the literature. There is, however, disagreement with the literature in what concerns the association between physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. Also in disagreement with other studies the sociocultural level of the family was not associated with physical activity.Downloads
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