Family medicine residency training in the north of Portugal: A decade


  • Conceição Outeirinho Assistente Graduada de Clínica Geral Coordenação do Internato Complementar de Clínica Geral da Zona Norte



Vocational Training, General Practice, Family Medicine, Postgraduate Training


Vocational Training is the optimal way to become a specialist in General and Family Medicine. From its beginning in 1981, there were several changes in order to improve postgraduate training in this medical field. It is necessary to be watchful for the duty to sustain an evolution that is compatible with the assumed and real needs in what concerns human resources, including their training with least quality. Aims: To describe the FMVTP, its structure, its interveners, and to describe its evolution during this period. Type of study: Descriptive study of the FMVTP in the Northern Region of Portugal. Population: Trainees and Trainers Methods: Descriptive study, using as information source data from the FMVTP and results from a questionnaire to all VT trainers in 1999 and the last trimester of 2003. Results: There has been a general increase in the number of trainees, trainers and training positions. The proportion of dropouts was small. There has been an expansion of training to more health centres in the Northern Region. The scientific production of the participants in the FMVTP has increased and it has been possible to observe both its growing diffusion and quality improvement along these 10 years. Trainers grew older and there has been an increase in the satisfaction with their task. Though figures look encouraging, there is a need to improve them further, namely in what concerns the improvement of training to a bigger number of trainees and the promotion and the rejuvenation


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How to Cite

Family medicine residency training in the north of Portugal: A decade. (2005). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 21(1), 69-78.

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