What really causes change in smokers? Some reflections


  • Miguel Trigo Psicólogo clínico. Docente no Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Consulta de Desabituação Tabágica do Centro de Saúde de Odivelas/Unidade Comunitária de Cuidados Psiquiátricos de Odivelas.




Smoking Cessation Habits, Nicotine Dependence, Motivational Interviewing, Counseling, Stages of Change, Processes of Change


Based on a personal experience, the text presents ten reflections about clinical practice in smoking cessation. 1. We start by addressing the complexity and importance of this issue. 2. Then, the power of the nicotine dependence is raised, nourished by a self-medication process, and by social-demographic determinants. 3. We discuss how the smoker can maintain his internal sense of coherence, when he is involved in a self-destructive behaviour. 4. Persuasive counseling is criticized, and empathy and person centered processes are emphasized. 5. The importance of self-efficacy and self-transcendence in the change consolidation is underlined. 6. Decision-making is characterized as a process dominated by ambivalence and freedom of choice. 7. Motivation is defined as a phenomenon depending on personal competencies and his existential meaning. 8. The importance of verbal interactions in the movement of personal change is highlighted. 9. The principal components of smoking cessation programs are presented, as well as some of their main management difficulties. 10. At last, we stress the pertinence of using several techniques and complementary strategies in the smokers treatment.


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How to Cite

What really causes change in smokers? Some reflections. (2005). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 21(2), 161-82. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v21i2.10122