The European definition of Family Medicine (General Practice / Family Medicine)


  • Justin Allen Director de Educação Pós-Graduada em Clínica Geral. Centro de Educação Pós-graduada, Universidade de Leicester, Reino Unido Ex-Presidente e actual membro do Conselho Executivo do EURACT
  • Bernard Gay Presidente do CNGE, Paris, França; Universidade de Bordéus, França Membro do Conselho do EURACT
  • Harry Crebolder Universidade de Maastricht, Holanda
  • Jan Heyrman Universidade Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica Membro do Conselho Executivo do EURACT
  • Igor Svab Universidade de Liubliana, Eslovénia Presidente da WONCA Europa Ex-membro do Conselho do EURACT
  • Paul Ram Universidade de Maastricht, Holanda
  • Philip Evans Ex-Presidente da Wonca Europa Ex-membro do Conselho do EURACT



This text is a shortened version of the declaration of the European WONCA published in 2002, available on the websites of WONCA and EURACT. It was produced by EURACT document as short and easily translated to individual support to Specialists Family Medicine (EMGF).


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How to Cite

The European definition of Family Medicine (General Practice / Family Medicine). (2005). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 21(5), 511-6.