Evaluation of the infertile couple


  • Joaquim Gonçalves Assistente graduado de Ginecologia Obstetrícia Hospital Geral Santo António Assistente do ICBAS (Instituto Biomédicas Abel Salazar) Responsável Clínico do Centro de Estudos de Infertilidade e Esterilidade - Porto




Infertility, Etiology, Guiding Standards for the Study of Infertility


Approximately 15-20% of reproductive age couples have difficulty conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy or stable. The general practitioner is in a unique position to elucidate the patients, make a couple's initial approach and reference them for Reproductive Medicine Centers. The author sought a simple and systematic way to approach the subject in its various perspectives. It defines the concepts of infertility and subfertility fecundability, and reviewed some concepts epidemiological, pathological and non-pathological factors of infertility. Finally we present the methodology of the investigation of infertile couple, revealing the history and physical examination as well as the interpretation of diagnostic procedures, always a practical perspective.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of the infertile couple. (2005). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 21(5), 493-503. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v21i5.10173