Oral therapy of type 2 diabetes


  • Maria Rosa Gallego Médica de Família no CS VFXira




Type 2 diabetes is a syndrome characterized by chronic elevation of blood glucose associated with varying degrees of insulin resistance, observed since the early stages of glucose intolerance. The selection of drug therapy must be based after the initiation of non-pharmacological treatment with diet and exercise appropriate in the clinical characteristics of the person with diabetes, taking into account both the action and the risk profile of each drug, both the type and degree of changes in glycemia. The drugs available can be grouped according to their main form of action groups acting largely complementary, so that after a few years of development of diabetes will require your combination therapy. The current goal is to maintain during most of evolution a quasi normal-glucose by treating the underlying causes of their change and saving as much as possible the beta cell function.


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How to Cite

Oral therapy of type 2 diabetes. (2005). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 21(6), 575-84. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v21i6.10187