Atrial fibrillation and prevention of thromboembolism
Médicos Sentinela, Atrial fibrilation, Embolic risk, Anti-coagulation, CHADS2Abstract
Aim: To determine the prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the population of patients attending the Portuguese Sentinel Network; to characterize the therapeutical options adopted in the AF patients and to evaluate patients embolic risk. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study in Portugal, 2003. A total of 67.654 patients of 43 family physicians were included in the study sample. Each doctor reported the number of AF patients diagnosed in their practice. Other study variables were: sex, age, previous attempt of cardioversion, co-morbidity, and pharmacological treatment used. Results: Three hundred and fifty nine patients were reported as AF cases. No case was reported under the age of 34, thus the prevalence calculated over this age was 0,94%. Within the AF patients, 84,1% are present cases and 14,5% past cases (paroxistic or sinus rhythm successful conversion). Digoxin was the therapeutical option in 25,8% of patients, and amiodarone in 24,8%. Discussion: Antiarrhythmic therapeutical use in these AF Portuguese patients is not accordingly with international guidelines. We do not know, however, if there was an underlying clinical explanation for the prescription options found in this population.Downloads
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