The association between periodontal disease and systemic diseases


  • Ricardo Faria Almeida Médico Dentista.Doutorado pelo Departamento de Medicina e Cirurgia Buco-facial Universidade Complutense de Madrid. Docente Responsável pela Disciplina de Periodontia da Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
  • Mónica Morado Pinho Médica Dentista. Aluna da Pós-Graduação em Ortodontia da Universidade do Porto. Docente de Periodontia da Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
  • Cristina Lima Médica Dentista. Docente de Periodontia da Universidade Fernando Pessoa
  • Inês Faria Médica Dentista. Aluna do Mestrado de Periodontologia da Universidade de Lisboa.
  • Patrícia Santos édica Dentista. Aluna do Mestrado de Periodontologia da Universidade de Lisboa.
  • Cláudia Bordalo Médica Dentista.Pós-graduada em Periodontologia pela Universidade do Porto. Aluna do Doutoramento de Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Docente de Periodontia da Universidade Fernando Pessoa.



The suspected association between certain systemic diseases and disorders of the oral cavity is ancient, being found, for several years, in literature. Indeed, Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans already stressed the importance of health in the mouth overall well-being of individuals. The concept of focal infection, originated in 1900, stimulated research to deepen knowledge about the role of the real conditions of the oral cavity, especially periodontal disease, general health of individuals. This condition is, after dental caries, one that is most prevalent in the oral cavity. It is an infectious disease that affects the gums and other supporting tissues and teeth which can lead to tooth loss. This means, initially, by clinical signs and symptoms 'deaf', without any pain and that it goes unnoticed by the patient. Bleeding gums is associated with one of the first symptoms. Early diagnosis and treat these patients and prevent the worsening situation with the consequent loss of teeth. In this context, we discuss the possible relationship between periodontal disease and several systemic pathologies that she has come to be associated, such as Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Rheumatoid Arthritis and the occurrence of preterm births.


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How to Cite

The association between periodontal disease and systemic diseases. (2006). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 22(3), 379-90.