Primary headache: Causes and consequences


  • José M. Pereira Monteiro Assistente graduado de Neurologia do HGSA, Porto; Professor agregado de Neurologia do ICBAS/UP.



Headache is a symptom subjective and can be defined as a feeling of discomfort or pain located in the head end. This definition includes all pains cranial, facial and craniofacial. Given this broad sense is easy to understand that its prevalence in the general population is very high, being one of the most common complaints encountered in clinical practice. But, despite the pain and temporary disability that is associated, remains low val-ized by clinicians, it is not often properly diagnosed or treated properly. Its prevalence in the general population is very high, being one of the most common complaints encountered in clinical practice despite continuing to be undervalued by clinicians, it is not often properly diagnosed or treated properly.


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How to Cite

Primary headache: Causes and consequences. (2006). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 22(4), 455-9.