Cluster headache: Pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment


  • Elsa Parreira Assistente Graduada de Neurologia. Serviço de Neurologia - Hospital Fernando Fonseca
  • Raquel Gil Gouveia Assistente de Neurologia. Hospital de Santa Maria. Lisboa
  • Isabel Pavão Martins Professora de Neurologia, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, Neurologista, Directora da Consulta de Cefaleias. Hospital Santa Maria. Lisboa



A cluster headache is within the primary headaches, which presents the most characteristic clinical constellation, making diagnosis very affordable. However, given its rarity, this entity is often ignored by clinicians in the differential diagnosis of headache. The importance of proper diagnosis is essential because this violent headache has a particular therapeutic approach and usually quite effective. In this brief review is intended to make a framework etiologic and pathogenetic this pathology, describe the clinical characteristics, based on the existing diagnostic criteria and relating them to the reality of the series described, to address some relevant aspects of differential diagnosis and propose principles therapeutic approach more consensual and effective.


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How to Cite

Cluster headache: Pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment. (2006). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 22(4), 471-82.