Seniors: abuse and violence


  • Célia Afonso Gonçalves Interna de Medicina Geral e Familiar do Centro de Saúde de Queluz (Texto elaborado sob orientação da Dra. Cristina Galvão)



Elder Abuse, Elder Neglect, Elder Violence


The abuse and neglect of the elderly is a more recent phenomenon than other types of abuse, as directed to women or children, being recognized as social and medical problem just three decades. This is a problem under-diagnosed and under-reported. The abuse can exist in various forms: physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, financial or in the form of neglect. Published studies estimate the prevalence of abuse aged between 1 and 5%. Risk factors for elder abuse include addiction, mental or physical disability, loss of family, culture, family violence, poor economic resources, lack of support in the community, as well as poor working conditions and low pay in the institutions. Factors contributing to under-diagnosis and under-reporting of elder abuse include denial, either the victim or the perpetrator, reluctance of physicians to signal the victims, distrust of medical and social resources and scant knowledge of doctors about the warning signs. The results of elder abuse are devastating and may include fractures, depression, dementia, malnutrition and death. Doctors in Primary Health Care are in prime position to prevent and detect abuse and neglect, as well as intervention and treatment of victims.


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How to Cite

Seniors: abuse and violence. (2006). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 22(6), 739-45.