Notes on anatomy and physiology of lactation


  • Adelaide Órfão Enf.ª ESMO, IBCLC
  • Cristina Gouveia Pediatra, IBCLC



Anatomy, Phisiology, Mammary Gland, Lactation Management


Breast size is related to the amount of mammary tissue and to the deposits of intra and interlobular fat, but doesnt reflect its functional ability. Prolactin, oxytocin and feedback inhibitor of lactation are the main hormones that regulate milk production. Concerns, such as fear of not having enough milk, inhibit prolactin and oxytocin and hinder lactation. The baby can regulate milk composition if he can modify three factors: time between feeds, the amount of ingested milk in each meal and free access to all the milk produced by one or both breasts. According to recent observational studies, when placed on the mothers abdomen, the term healthy newborn moves reflexively, and easily adapts to one of the breasts without causing any pain or discomfort.This autonomous behaviour of the baby seems to be associated to a higher degree of satisfaction of the mother and to an increased duration of breastfeeding. Attending to the particularity of each mother-baby dyad, client oriented management seems to be the key-answer to a successful breastfeeding


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How to Cite

Notes on anatomy and physiology of lactation. (2009). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 25(3), 347-54.