Chickenpox in a two-month old infant


  • Ricardo Filipe Oliveira Mestre em Medicina, Médico Interno de Medicina Geral e Familiar, USF Escariz, ACeS Entre Douro e Vouga I – (Feira/Arouca), Portugal



Chickenpox, Acyclovir, Newborn, Lactation


Introduction: Chickenpox is a common childhood disease. Although usually benign, when it occurs in a two month-old child with immunological immaturity, it may cause concern regarding the correct clinical approach. Case Description: We report the case of a two month-old previously healthy infant, who came to a primary care clinic because of a vesicular rash without other systemic signs of illness. Her brother had been diagnosed with varicella two weeks previously. Varicella infection was diagnosed and the baby referred to the local hospital, where the diagnosis was confirmed. She was admitted for intravenous acyclovir therapy, with a favorable clinical outcome. Discussion: Chickenpox is infrequently diagnosed in young infants in primary care. However, with a vesicular rash and a history of contact with an affected individual, doctors have to consider this diagnosis regardless of age and presentation. There is controversy regarding treatment. Conservative measures may be sufficient for mild illness.


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How to Cite

Chickenpox in a two-month old infant. (2015). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 31(2), 141-3.