Future perspectives in cardiac rhythm monitoring and smartwatch use


  • Carolina Araújo Soares Centro de Saúde do Bom Jesus - ACES RAM https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4121-5249
  • Andreia Figueira Pinto Centro de Saúde de Santo António - ACES RAM
  • Raquel Andrade Centro de Saúde do Caniço - ACES RAM
  • Ricardo C. Rodrigues Serviço de Cardiologia - Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça




Smartwatch, Monitoring, Remote sensing technologies, Atrial fibrillation, Cardiac arrhythmias


The regular use of smartwatches allows monitoring the exercise performed by its users, especially in terms of intensity, duration, energy expenditure, and more recently, heart rate. The potential use of these electronic devices in medicine is an important milestone, allowing through monitoring of cardiac rhythm, a possible way to detect periods of cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation and more recently, QT interval prolongation that can cause potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmias, with its importance shown during COVID-19 pandemics. The main studies have several limitations; however, they show the importance of technological evolution and its potential prognostic impact on the users of these devices.


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How to Cite

Future perspectives in cardiac rhythm monitoring and smartwatch use. (2021). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 37(6), 598-601. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v37i6.13077