Relational learning: opportunities and challenges in general practice training




Relational learning, Medical residency, General practice


Introduction: Peer learning is a differentiated educational tool, including the traditional tutoring model and the interaction of individuals within the same training level. The general practice (GP) residency programme, updated in 2019, introduced peer learning as part of residents’ weekly schedule. In Lisbon and Tagus Valley region (ARSLVT), peer learning was implemented through the so-called Relational Learning Sessions (SAR).

Methods: The present study sought to establish a state point regarding this practice in continental Portugal, in order to promote local adaptations necessary for the residents to reach relational learning’s full potential. Residents from the 54th group of the specialized training programme in GP were included. Data were collected between November 12nd and December 12nd 2020 through an online questionnaire sent via e-mail by the residency coordinators (CIMMGF).

Results: Out of a total of 416 residents, 86 answers were obtained, 60 of which were from ARSLVT. At the time data was collected, in the North region, no model of peer learning had been implemented. In ARSLVT all residents had SAR, except for one group of Healthcare Units (ACeS). In the Center, Alentejo, and Algarve, this practice was not uniform between ACeS. In the implemented SAR, there is a wide variety of activities being performed, planning is mostly done according to the CIMMGF recommendations, and the majority of resident doctors recognize its usefulness. However, the impact on clinical activities, the distance between healthcare units, and the lack of support from local residency directors are pointed out as the main difficulties while planning these sessions. The adoption of a rotative schedule, the implementation of online sessions, and the issuing of guidelines might be possible solutions.

Conclusion: Aiming for the adjustment and equality of training opportunities, effective local solutions must be sought so that peer learning becomes a fruitful reality for all residents.


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Boud D. Introduction: making the move to peer learning. In: Boud D, Cohen R, Sampson J, editors. Peer learning in higher education: learning from and with each other. London: Routledge; 2001. p. 1-20. ISBN 9780749436124

Portaria n.º 125/2019, de 30 de abril. Diário da República. 1ª Série;(83).

Coordenação do Internato Médico de Medicina Geral e Familiar. Guião para aprendizagem relacional: versão 2019.a [Internet]. Lisboa: Administração Regional de Saúde Lisboa e Vale do Tejo; 2019 [cited 2018 Jan 14]. Available from:

Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde. Mapa de capacidades formativas nacional: concurso IM 2018 FE [Internet]. Lisboa: ACSS; 2018 [cited 2019 Dec 29]. Available from:



How to Cite

Relational learning: opportunities and challenges in general practice training. (2022). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 38(5), 436-48.