Determinants of mental illness in the homeless population
Homelessness, Homeless person with mental illness, Psychosocial interventions, Housing-firstAbstract
The definition of homeless is not consensual and varies between someone who literally lives on the street, to a broader definition. Being homeless is the result of a heterogeneous and multidimensional phenomenon, which can affect not only the most vulnerable individuals but also those who were in a stable economic and social situation. The relationship between homelessness and psychiatric illness has long been known. There is a higher prevalence of all mental pathologies ranging from 25 to 50%. The risk of becoming homeless for people diagnosed with mental illness is ten times greater than for the general population because the functionality and autonomy of the subjects can be highly affected. The adversities associated with becoming and staying homeless are complex and can create unique combinations of stressors for people with a predisposition to mental health problems. Working with homeless people is hard work. The central problem for the homeless with mental illness is the lack of accessibility to treatment in the community and the lack of adequate housing. Social policies must be comprehensive and consider the heterogeneity of the homeless population, developing strategies adjusted to different needs, flexible, and adapted to each person.
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