Factors that influence job satisfaction in the Portuguese general practice/family medicine
General practice, Job satisfaction, Holistic assessmentAbstract
Objective: To evaluate job satisfaction in the Portuguese general practice/family physicians setting for personal issues, special skills required, work organization, doctor-patient relationship, teaching and learning, personal balance, and dissatisfaction factors.
Methods: 2021 cross-sectional observational study, applying a specifically designed web questionnaire, organized into seven groups, six for satisfaction and one for dissatisfaction, and a satisfaction index (weighed sum from 0-100%), accordingly to the importance assigned to each of the previous seven groups. The invitation was made using specific socio-professional electronic networks.
Results: A representative sample of n=343, 106 (30.9%) male, 105 specialty interns (30.6%) of whom 79 (75.2%) were female, 31-40 age bracket as the most represented with 140 people (40.8%) was studied. In the six satisfaction group factors, the mean result was 3.29 for an [1-4] classification, the lowest in group G6 – Factors for personal balance (2.13). In Factors for Dissatisfaction, the mean was 3.36. The satisfaction index verified an overall mean of 68.9% [32.2% to 92.1%] out of 100%.
Discussion: With no other results to compare, the high mean result in ‘Dissatisfaction’ and the low one for ‘Factors for personal balance’ implies reflection even in the pandemic and consideration about the future general practice/family medicine practice in the Portuguese National Health Service.
Conclusion: General practice/family physician doctors enjoy their profession. Personal balance was not met and strong factors of dissatisfaction excessive bureaucratic workload, daily work volume, excessive mental pressure, inadequate salary, and lack of recognition by the public, health administration, other medical specialties, and society, in general, were recognised.
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