Terapêutica farmacológica com SGLT2i no controlo da diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e na obesidade associada
Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, Inibidores da SGLT2, Tratamento farmacológico, Obesidade, ControloAbstract
Aim: To compare obesity progression and the Type2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) metabolic control between 2017 and 2019, according to pharmacological therapy with Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter Type 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) or not in the T2DM of the Central Administrative Portuguese National Health Service Authority, the “ARS do Centro”.
Methodology: Observational retrospective cohort study in 2021 of data by the Informatic Services of ARS do Centro, after ethics consent: gender, age, year of ICPC2 T90 classification, abdominal perimeter (AP), body mass index (BMI), last glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) in 2017 and 2019 and drugs registered in the e.registration official program, the S-clínico Diabetes.
Results: Out of the 127062 T2DM patients of the ARS do Centro n=16012 (12,6%) were on SGLT2i in 2017. Mean age was of 73.5±10.1 years, the time since ICPC classification was of 8.7±4.2 years and 48.8% were males. HbA1C, BMI and AP values between 2017 and 2019 were independent for age and time since diagnosis, |rS| <0.400. Median HbA1c values between the two moments, in the total sample and in the subgroups medicated with SGLT2i and per gender were significantly different (p<0.001) values increasing. In the subgroups not SGLT2i treated, no difference was observed, either globally (p=0.983) or per gender (M: p=0.932; F: p=0.932). BMI in SGLT2i treated T2DM showed significant negative variation (p<0.001) also observed in nonSGLT2i treated ones (p=0.004). AP values significantly increased in nonSGLT2i T2DM patients (p=0.001) and significantly decreased in the SGLT2i treated ones (p<0.001).
Discussion: The efficacy of SGLT2i in clinical assays in real world patients, effectiveness, must be ascertained. Obesity decrease can contribute to future T2DM control.
Conclusion: SGLT2i significantly decreased BMI and prevented AP increase, when compared with non-SGLT2 T2DM patients. HbA1c control, in a 2-year gap showed no decrease in growth. Anti-diabetes medicine frequency of knowledge must be ameliorated.
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