Approach and guidance of trans and non-binary people in primary health care: experience and knowledge


  • João Monteiro Institudo de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto
  • Alexandra Ferreira
  • Bernardo Ramos
  • Beatriz Dantas
  • Maria Inês Couto
  • Jéssica Vieira
  • José Moreira
  • Marco Coelho
  • Mercedes Fernandes
  • Pedro Santos
  • Rodolfo Rezende
  • Sara Fernandes
  • Luísa Santos
  • Miguel Saraiva



Trans, Non-binary, Primary health care, Gender dysphoria


The prevalence of openly trans and non-binary people has been increasing, and, in today's world, it is estimated that they represent 0.39% and 1.19% of the global population, respectively. Thus, it becomes increasingly imperative that primary health care physicians are prepared to receive and guide this population, in their general and specific health needs. In this sense, this work intends to study the knowledge of health professionals and their approach to trans and non-binary people in the primary care facilities associated with Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, via an online questionnaire that was sent to the population under study. It was found that, although there is significant contact between residents and specialists in general and family medicine with trans and non-binary people in clinical practice, the perceived degree of knowledge and training about the specific needs of this population seems to be extremely small. It is, therefore, crucial to invest in pre-graduate training, as well as post-graduate training.


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How to Cite

Approach and guidance of trans and non-binary people in primary health care: experience and knowledge. (2024). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 40(2), 126-36.