The doctor and the Patient-Centered Medicine practice: cultural adaptation and validation of a retrospective self-assessment instrument
Patient-centered medicine, General practice, Self-assessment, Concurrent validation studyAbstract
Introduction: The general practitioner’s evaluation of his/her performance in Patient-Centered Medicine (MCP), must be explored to improve it.
Aim: To perform the cultural adaptation and concurrent validation of an English questionnaire by Moira Stewart for doctor self-assessment of MCP practice.
Methods: After authorization by the author and ethical approval, the translation into European Portuguese, back-translation into English, and linguistic and cultural adaptation were conducted. Concurrent validity analysis was performed with a dimension of the Sobrecarga da Gestão da Multimorbilidade em Medicina Geral e Familiar (SoGeMM-MGF), applying it to interns and specialists of general practice/family medicine (GP/FM) in a representative, multicentric, convenience sample.
Results: The questionnaire showed strong internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha=0.895), and intraclass correlation coefficient for average measures of 2.5; p<0.001, one only factor explaining 56.51% of the variance with a self-fulfillment time of 72±37 seconds. The mean global score was 31.3±4.0 [9 to 36], with males significantly scoring higher, p=0.039; by GP/FM unit of work, significant differences were found, p=0.001 between USF A and B and p=0.002 between USF A and UCSP, USF A scoring higher followed by USF B. A Pearson ρ=0.491; p<0.001 correlation was found between both questionnaires.
Discussion: This questionnaire is an opportunity for improvement of the doctor’s performance, ameliorating the health care provided and the doctor’s satisfaction.
Conclusion: The adaptation and validation for European spoken Portuguese of the questionnaire by Moira Stewart was possible for retrospective evaluation of the GP/FM doctor MCP performance.
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Coelho B, Santiago LM. Medicina centrada na pessoa: validação populacional de um instrumento de medida pela pessoa. Rev Port Med Geral Fam 2022, 38:247-56 DOI: 10.32385/rpmgf.v38i3.13218
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