Quality of life of patients suffering from chronic heart failure in Central Portugal
Chronic heart failure, General practice, Quality of lifeAbstract
Objectives: To evaluate chronic heart failure patient’s (PSCHF) quality of life (QoL) and to ascertain its relationship with context variables, comparing results between a generic and a specific QoL measurement tool.
Methods: Observational cross-sectional study, in a convenience sample of PSCHF in 2022, applying in self-fulfilment, with the investigator’s help if requested, the Euro Quality of Life Instrument – 5D (EQ5D-3l), the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) and context variables in the General Practice/Family setting, in random days. Good or bad QoL according to the median value. EQ5D-3l was studied according to the Portuguese norm.
Results: A n=50 sample, n=29 (58%) women, mean age 74.1±8.9 years, was studied. Significant differences were found for the level of studies, inferior for women (p=0.019). For 40% of PSCHF, there was unfamiliarity of suffering from it. Spearman correlation, between the EQ-5D-3L score and the QoL-specific domain of KCCQ, was ρ=0.452, p=0.001, and between EQ-5D-3L score and the KCCQ Overall Summary Scale, ρ=0.556, p<0.001. For the arbitrary categories of the KCCQ Overall Summary Scale (p=0.189) and the EQ5D3l Portuguese norm (p=0.242), between genders, there was no difference, with females showing worse results.
Discussion: Instruments for measuring the therapeutic results and health consequences in PSCHF can change the actual paradigm of CHF treatment, QoL in PSCHF being one of those changes, and doctors becoming aware of PSCHF’s personal and social determinants.
Conclusion: Bad QoL was revealed for 70.0% of this sample and bad QoL for PSCHF for 50.0%, females with worse results. EQ-5D is easier to apply in a consultation ambiance, with only five questions, with KCCQ being more specific for PSCHF.
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