Primary health care in Portugal: a history with more than 50 years – the perspective of a future family doctor




Primary health care, General practice, Family practice, History of medicine


Primary health care in Portugal has a history of more than fifty years, which began in the 70s and was marked by the creation of the general practice career and residency, and the great reform of 2005 which led to the creation of the family health units. Nowadays, primary health care has presented good results, standing out in the international panorama, despite the multiple difficulties that it finds every day. We must keep up the good work of the past generations, never forgetting the cornerstone of its practice: the doctor-patient relationship. 


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How to Cite

Primary health care in Portugal: a history with more than 50 years – the perspective of a future family doctor. (2023). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 39(4), 355-9.