Management and evaluation of chronic alcoholic patients in general practice/family medicine: a retrospective cohort exploratory study
Alcoholism, Alcohol use disorders, General practice, Primary health care, ICPC-2Abstract
Introduction: General practice and family medicine play a leading role in the early detection of alcohol-induced disorders and the consequent intervention. However, most of these patients are not correctly diagnosed and do not receive proper counselling or treatment.
Objectives: Comprehend how family physicians of a Family Health Unit assess and screen patients with alcohol use disorders and understand the impact that those interventions have on prognosis and clinical outcome.
Methods: Exploratory and observational study, in a retrospective cohort with seven years of follow-up, in people over 18 years old with chronic activated ICPC-2 problem «P15 - Chronic Alcohol Abuse», and that belong in a Family Health Unit in the central region of Portugal. Data collection from the clinical process of the variables under study: problem of alcoholism addressed; Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)/Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test – Consumption (AUDIT-C) questionnaires; reference to addiction services and psychology; analytical control in the year following the approach of the problem and where it was requested; prescription of medication in the year following the approach of the problem and where the first prescription was made and therapeutic success, by doctors with the capacity to do so and after the necessary authorizations. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential non-parametric statistics.
Results: Sample of n=135, 96.3% male, ages between 51 and 70 years for 56.3%. There was a significant difference between genders in terms of reference to addiction services and psychology (p=0.019 and p<0.001, respectively). Variables under study and therapeutic success with no significant association.
Conclusion: In this study, the approach methods had no impact on the patient's prognosis, and did not influence therapeutic success.
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