Determining factors in the search for health care at a basic emergency service, by users of a family health unit
Accessibility, Emergency service, Primary health careAbstract
Introduction: Understanding the determinants of the demand for health care will contribute to a better organization of health services and promote an improvement in the quality of service and health professionals' performance.
Objective: Understanding the determining factors in the demand for health care by patients of Family Health Unit (FHU) Novo Norte, particularly when choosing basic emergency service (ES) over primary health care (PHC).
Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive, and exploratory study, during February/2023, through the application of a questionnaire to patients enrolled at FHU Novo Norte with care at the basic ES/Arouca. After a descriptive analysis, the variables were compared using Fisher's exact test.
Results: There was a predominance of female patients, with an average age of 47.52 years, and professionally active; a greater recurrence of ES during the week and in the morning; a predominance of patients who went to the ES on their initiative, with symptoms appearing in the last three days, and whose main reasons include self-perception of emergency and immediate hospital care. Despite the majority considered knowing the situations in which they should resort to acute consultation (AC), 21% of patients responded inadequately. It was found that 66% did not seek AC. Finally, 61.87% were exempt from moderating fees, which is statistically significantly related to the number of visits to the ES.
Discussion: The FHU Novo Norte and the basic ES/Arouca are located in the same building, so the difficulty in accessing the PHC does not correspond to the only explanatory reason. A misinformed conception of PHC and the care provided remains.
Conclusion: It is essential to educate and raise awareness of the population regarding the importance of primarily resorting to local care, and the appropriate use of ES.
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