A grandmother and two adolescent grandchildren: a cluster of problems


  • Carlos Martins Interno Geral do Hospital Geral de Santo António
  • Ivone Mauroy Da Fonseca Assistente Graduada de Clínica Geral, Departamento de Medicina Familiar e Saúde Ocupacional do Hospital Geral de Santo António
  • Pedro Costa Assistente de Clínica Geral, Departamento de Medicina Familiar e Saúde Ocupacional do Hospital Geral de Santo António; Centro de Saúde de Baião




Family Dysfunction, Family Assessment, Family Risk, Poverty


When studying an elderly patient and her family it is difficult to apply some family assessment tools. Not only does the patients old age make it hard to collect data, but also this is not a typical family unit. This family unit is made up of a grandmother living with two teenage grandchildren. The 74-year-old patient has locomotion problems which will tend to deteriorate, and is in charge of rearing her grandchildren. Without any social, medical or educational assistance, these teenagers seriously risk going through the same cycle of poverty their grandmother has lived in. A story just like so many others after all, but with a unique contour...


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How to Cite

A grandmother and two adolescent grandchildren: a cluster of problems. (2000). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 16(4), 313-28. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v16i4.9801

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