The incidence of adverse reactions to influenza vaccines


  • Luiz Miguel Santiago Assistente graduado de Clínica Geral
  • Eugénia Paula Mesquita Enfermeira em Medicina Geral e Familiar
  • Suzana Jorge Assistente graduada de Clínica Geral
  • Isabel Maria De Carvalho Enfermeira em Medicina Geral e Familiar
  • Maria Da Graça Rocha Enfermeira em Medicina Geral e Familiar



Vaccine, Anti-influenza vaccine, Influenza, Farmacovigilance


To compare the prevalence of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) profile of two anti-Influenza Virus Vaccines Groups, a prospective study was peformed between September and December 1999 in an ambulatory population of three General Practicioners of the Centre of Portugal, using a validated questionnaire designed to study systemic and local ADRs, to be answered at day five after the intra-muscular vaccination. A total of 346 (55,8%) questionnaires has been returned, showing a good adherence to the study, with no statistical difference in the number of questionnaires between the two groups of vaccines in appraisal. At least one ADR was referred in 25,5% of the questionnaires. Of the total ADRs assigned 41% were related to systemic reactions. In Group 1 (attenuated virus vaccines) 30,7% of the questionnaires presented an ADR and in Group 2 (surface antigen vaccines) 22.3% presented ADR, these figures representing no statistical difference. No statistically significant differences of ADR prevalence was observed between the two groups of vaccines, the figures of the prevalence of ADRs being low. Systemic ADRs were more prevalent than the local reactions. Taking into account the satisfactory adhesion of the immunized population, these studies can be helpful in the assessment of the safety of the use of drugs.


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How to Cite

The incidence of adverse reactions to influenza vaccines. (2002). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 18(1), 17-33.

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