Recording of performance of the Ortolani maneuver
Ortolani, Intervention, Quality AssessmentAbstract
Objective: To assess the frequency of recording of the Ortolani manouver results at the Child Health Consultation at the Faro Health Center and the improvement on that recording after a motivational intervention. Type of study: Two-phase quality assessment study. Setting: Faro Health Center. Population: Children born between 1 April - 31 December 1999 (first phase) and at the same period in 2000 (sencond phase), registered at the Faro Health Center. Methods: The dimension studied was the technical-scientific competence, evaluated on the basis of the medical records. In the first phase 439 appointments were studied (at 0, 2 and 4 months after birth). After an intervention motivating the participating doctors for the need to record the results of the manouver, 506 appointments were studied. Clinical records of Child Health consultations were used as data source. The explicit, normative, criterium used was that the record of the result of the manouver must always follow its performance in the consultations where it is deemed appropriate. MÉTODOS: A dimensão em estudo foi a competência técnico-científica, avaliada com base em dados de processo. Na 1a fase estudaram-se 439 consultas ( 0, 2 e 4 meses). Após a intervenção de motivação para a necessidade do registo de execução da manobra, a 2a fase de avaliação incidiu sobre 506 consultas. Como fonte dos dados utilizaram-se as fichas clínicas de Saúde Infantil. Como critério, explícito e normativo, assumiu-se que o registo da manobra deve acompanhar a sua execução nas consultas em que é pertinente. Results: At the second phase the manouver was recorded in 55.9% of first consultations, 32.8% at the 2 months consultation and 32.2% at the 4 months consultations, as opposed to 30.5 %, 13.0 % and 9.7 % at the first phase. Conclusion: This manouver should be encouraged as a way of improving the quality of care to children.Downloads
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