Single-parent families - A family, a case


  • Isabel Matos Correia Assistente Graduada de Clínica Geral Centro de Saúde Coração de Jesus, Lisboa



Single-parent Family, Life Cycle, Parent-child and Sibling Relationships, Family Therapy, Intervention, Reference


Families have their own natural history. They move on in successive stages through which their members change themselves and their behaviour. Those stages make up the family life cycle, which is seen as a sequence of steps the family goes through from its inception on to its dissolution. Single-parent families are made up by one sole parent and his or her children, possibly of different age groups. This type of family structure has increased both in this country and abroad in the past few decades, especially as of the 1970s when this family pattern seems to have trebled. It has been estimated that this type of family corresponds to over 25% of the total of family structures. Like any other family type, in this one its members have to deal with life cycle problems and crises, and still go on ensuring the functions necessary for the evolution of its members. Therefore, a diverse approach is needed to help build/re-build a novel family life so that it may be psychologically and emotionally satisfactory for every one of its members. One thus has to move from the usual therapeutic approach on to the realm of Family Therapy by acquiring deeper knowledge on the subject and by integrating it into ones clinical practice. This is especially important for this type of family, in that it has its own characteristics and specificity, while playing the same roles and having the same functions and responsibilities as any nuclear type family.


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How to Cite

Single-parent families - A family, a case. (2002). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 18(4), 241-9.