Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes


  • Conceição Bacelar Serviço de Endocrinologia Hospital Geral de S. António - Porto



Diabetes mellitus type 2 (D2) is characterized by progressive failure of pancreatic beta cells, associated with a variable degree of peripheral insulin resistance. Changes in lifestyle can be effective in controlling blood glucose levels in many patients with early D2. However, as the disease progresses and evolves, their treatment is by the use, in addition to diet and exercise, oral antidiadiabéticos (AO) and after the addition of insulin to oral therapy. The indications for the use of exogenous insulin in patients with D2 include acute illness, surgery, pregnancy, glucotoxicidade, contraindication to the use, or inability to achieve the objectives of treatment with AO1. Add basal insulin treatment becomes helpful if there is any residual beta cell function. Already the replacement therapy with basal-bolus insulin is required if there is beta cell exhaustion. An emergency treatment with insulin replacement for a few weeks can reverse glucotoxicidade.


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How to Cite

Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes. (2005). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 21(6), 619-23.