Mental health


  • José Mendes Nunes Médico de Família no Centro de Saúde de Oeiras Assistente convidado do Departamento de Medicina Geral e Familiar, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa



The purpose of the World Day of Mental Health, the author draws attention to the attitude of neglecting the most responsible for health, including the people themselves, who have to undergo mental health when compared to the Health Physics. The general health systems secundariza services mental illness compared with the physical ailment. If mental illness is treated unevenly with physical illness, then in mental health promotion and prevention of mental illness, this gap is much more pronounced. Within these areas, already disadvantaged by themselves, the health of the pregnancy and childhood is the most abandoned by all healthcare systems and society in general, as shown by studies conducted in the framework of international organizations like WHO. In this context, the author aims to draw attention to this fact and highlight the enormous responsibility of GPs in mental health promotion, emphasizing the need to introduce into the curriculum of boarding Family Medicine training content in this area that the currently limited to psychopathology.


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How to Cite

Mental health. (2006). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 22(5), 591-4.

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