The impact of alcohol and intervention strategies in europe: What is the role for primary care?


  • C Ribeiro Assistente Graduada de Clínica Geral Centro do Saúde de Sete Rios. Docente Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa



Alcohol, Alcohol Related Problems, Health Policies, Strategies


Objectives: Harm done by alcohol in health, society and economy is an important reason to define an European strategy for hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption. Since alcohol is implicated in a very wide variety of physical and mental health and social problems in a dose dependent manner, there is an opportunity for primary health care providers to identify patients with hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption. The PHEPA Project (Primary Health European Project on Alcohol) gives a specific attention to alcohol related problems in Primary Health Care. We describe also what is being done in Portugal concerning PHEPA Project.


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How to Cite

The impact of alcohol and intervention strategies in europe: What is the role for primary care?. (2008). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 24(2), 323-9.