Satisfaction of professionals in the S. João Health Center from 2001 to 2007


  • Alberto Augusto Oliveira Pinto Hespanhol Professor Associado com Agregação Convidado do Departamento de Clínica Geral da Faculdade de Medicina do Porto e Director do Centro de Saúde São João (Porto), onde também exerce as funções de Médico de Família



Quality of Health Care, Job Satisfaction, Primary Health Care


Aims: To evaluate the overall satisfaction of São João Health Centers professionals and their satisfaction with all other aspects of the service provided by the Health Center. Methods: A self administered questionnaire distributed by the Health Centers internal mail to all the professionals that were on duty during the week from 21th until 25th May 2007. Results:We sent 32 questionnaires and we received 31 (response rate of 97%). The percentage of the respondent professionals that declared to be completely satisfied, very satisfied or satisfied with the overall job satisfaction is 100%, with the exception of the nurses which is 90%. In the dimensions of job satisfaction that the professionals declared to obtain more job satisfaction the intrinsic factors predominate. On the other hand, the questions refered as provoking more job dissatisfaction were in the Family Doctors the «Difficulties in using developed skills», in the nurses the «The possibility of your integration in the community» and in the administrative and auxiliary staff the «rate of pay», all extrinsic job factors, with the exception in the nurses which is a intrinsic job factor. Discussion: The majority of the professionals seems to be satisfied with the overall work in São João Health Centers. In the dimensions of job satisfaction that the three kinds of professionals declared to obtain more job satisfaction the intrinsic factors predominate and in the dimensions of job satisfaction that they declared to obtain more job dissatisfaction the extrinsic factors predominate.


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How to Cite

Satisfaction of professionals in the S. João Health Center from 2001 to 2007. (2008). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 24(6), 665-70.