Emotional disturbances - Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents


  • Margarida Crujo Interna de Psiquiatria da Infância e da Adolescência do Hospital de Dona Estefânia - Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central.
  • Cristina Marques Psiquiatra da Infância e da Adolescência do Hospital de Dona Estefânia - Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central. Assessora da Coordenação Nacional para a Saúde Mental.




Anxiety, Depression, Child, Adolescent


EMOTIONAL DISORDERS - ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION IN CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE Anxiety Disorder and Depressive Disorder are clinical entities of high prevalence in childhood and adolescence, and may be precursors of psychopathology in adulthood. For both reasons, early diagnosis and intervention become essential, as well as the identification of possible risk factors that enhance these disorders. Primary Health Care assumes, in this context, an important role in screening cases, as well as in intervention and possible referral to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Services. In this article the authors briefly discuss aspects related to risk factors, prevalence, diagnosis, clinical intervention and prognosis for Anxiety Disorder and Depressive Disorder.


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How to Cite

Emotional disturbances - Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. (2009). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 25(5), 576-82. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v25i5.10675