A complicated Baker's cyst


  • Hema Hasmuklal Médica de Família Centro de Saúde de Loures
  • Carla Gouveia Médica de Família Centro de Saúde de Loures




Popliteal Cyst, Infection, Arthroplasty, Knee Osteoarthritis


Introduction: The authors with the presentation of this case study intended to draw attention to a situation of difficult diagnosis by mimicking different pathologies. Case Description: The clinical case reports that occurred in a sixty-seven year old women with a Bakers cyst (also known as popliteal cyst) of atypical characteristics and with an unusual complication. It was a very voluminous Bakers cyst appearing with extension for leg, simulating one deep venous thrombosis, two years after a total knee arthroplasty for knee osteoarthritis treatment and had an infection as a complication. Comment: The authors describe the difficulties in diagnosis that this rare presentation brought up in the patients assessment, and the implications in the reevaluation of the functionality of the arthroplasty.


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How to Cite

A complicated Baker’s cyst. (2010). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 26(2), 196-200. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v26i2.10730