Breastfeeding: Prevalence and characterization of the information provided


  • Nadina Sousa Assistente de Medicina Geral e Familiar, CS Arnaldo Sampaio, Leiria.
  • Ana Carla Bernardes



Breastfeeding, Counseling, Prevalence


Objectives:To describe the information about breastfeeding received by mothers. To describe type of feeding given to the newborn during the stay in the maternity ward. To find the reasons that led to adopting or not breastfeeding and the main difficulties in its implementation. Type of study: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional. Location: Obstetrics Department of the Hospital Santo André, E.P.E., in Leiria. Population: Committed parturients in that department. Methods:We applied a pre-tested questionnaire by direct interview, during four weeks between December of 2007 and January of 2008. We studied variables related to the mothers characteristics, pregnancy follow-up, received information and type of feeding. We excluded mothers who refused to participate, those incapable of responding for linguistic reasons and the ones committed for late post-natal complications. Results: 164 parturients were included of which 63% stated having received information about breastfeeding. The most frequent sources of information were the nurse and the doctor. Regarding how they classified the information the most positive aspects were the clarity and the possibility to clarify doubts. The time spent and the number of interventions were considered insufficient in 11,8% and in 10,8% of the cases, respectively. The prevalence of breastfeeding was 95,1% and the most frequent reasons for its choice were the benefits for the baby. Of all the breastfeeding mothers, 47,4% stated difficulties with its implementation. Conclusion: This study shows the need to improve the information given by health professionals about breastfeeding. It identifies the information parameters that need improvement for planning the intervention during pregnancy and the post-natal period.


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How to Cite

Breastfeeding: Prevalence and characterization of the information provided. (2010). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 26(5), 440-8.