PreSBurn study: prevalence of burnout syndrome in primary care professionals
Burnout, Professional, Primary Health CareAbstract
Objectives: To determine the prevalence of burnout among physicians, nurses and medical secretaries of the ACeS Pinhal Litoral primay health care centres. Type of study: Cross-sectional study conducted between 15 October and 15 December 2014. Setting: ACeS Pinhal Litoral. Participants: Primary health care professionals. Methods: The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS), translated and validated for use in Portuguese, was used in this study. Results: A response rate of 60.1% of the 434 health professionals working in the ACeS was obtained. Regarding the dimensions of burnout, 41.0% had a high emotional exhaustion (EE) score, 28.4% had a high depersonalization (DP) score and 22.6% had a low personal accomplishment (PA) score. The prevalence of burnout in this sample was 5.7%. It was higher among nurses (9.9%) and medical specialists (7.2%). An association was found between burnout and the following factors: age (>45 years for DP and <=45 years for PA), seniority (>20 years for DP and <=20 years for PA), intention to change profession (for all dimensions), intention to change institution (for EE and DP), and health unit (by bivariate analysis of Family Health Care Unit for DP and by multivariate analysis of Personalized Health Care Unit for DP). Conclusion: Individual and organizational factors are associated with the presence of burnout. Personal and institutional approaches are necessary for intervention in this issue.Downloads
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