Attitudes and practices of general practitioners from the Matosinhos Group of Health Centres regarding obesity
Obesity, General practitioners, Attitudes, Practices.Abstract
Aims: To study attitudes to obesity and obese patients among General Practitioners in the Group of Health Centres of Matosinhos. Study design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Group of Health Centres of Matosinhos, Portugal. Population: Family medicine specialists and trainees in the Matosinhos Group of Health Centres. Methods: A convenience sample was used, composed of all physicians attending the weekly staff meeting in their respective clinics. A questionnaire was developed for this study composed of six dimensions including: ‘self-efficacy and technical competence’, ‘training needs’, ‘convictions’, ‘self-perceived responsibility’, ‘barriers’ and ‘limitations’. The validity and reliability of the dimensions were studied. The variables in these dimensions are presented as a mean (M) on a five point Likert scale. Non-parametric statistical analyses were used to measure the differences between the groups. Results: Among the 104 study participants, most (71%) did not have post-graduate training in nutrition. However, they recognize the need to increase their knowledge of nutrition, with an average score of 3.96 in the dimension of the training needs perceived. The physicians participating showed a high level of conviction (M=4.33) about the importance of their role in the treatment of obesity, firmly recognizing their responsibility (M=4.27) in the treatment of this condition, perceiving their self-efficacy and technical competence in the area (M=3.58). Concerning the barriers and limitations felt, the results suggest that these professionals recognize some limitations and barriers while treating obesity (M=3.29 and M=2.60, respectively). Conclusions: Family medicine specialists have positive attitudes towards managing obesity and obese patients. These professionals are convinced of the importance of their role in management and treatment of obesity. They feel responsible for the treatment of this condition and recognize their training needs in the area of nutrition.Downloads
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