Indicator 380: find out where your COPD patients are
COPD, General and family medicine, Indicator 2017.380, ICPC-2 coding gapsAbstract
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a significant cause of chronic morbidity and premature mortality and the 3rd leading cause of death worldwide. In Portugal, its prevalence, from the age of forty onwards, is estimated at 14.2%, with a high proportion of underdiagnosis. The National Plan for Respiratory Diseases recommends combating this disease and increasing its diagnosis in primary health care (PHC). Current society seeks to evaluate, quantify and classify the provision of services and, in health, performance indicators assess measurable elements of clinical practice, allowing the establishment of good practices and improvement of care. The authors propose the use of indicator 2017.380 of the PHC Identity Card, designated «Proportion of adult users with clinical records showing the existence of asthma, COPD or chronic bronchitis, with a diagnostic record in the problem list» as an essential tool to increase the diagnosis of respiratory diseases, improve clinical records, update active problems and, fundamentally, improve the care provided to users.
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