Lifestyle changes appointment in primary health care setting
Healthy lifestyle, Primary health care, Obesity, Overweight, Health behaviourAbstract
Obesity is an increasing public health issue around the world. Lifestyle counselling is one of the core competencies of family doctors and can contribute to the prevention, control, and counteract of chronic disease complications. The paucity of resources in primary care practices makes an adequate response challenging. Therefore, a group of health professionals from a primary care public Family Health Unit managed to implement a lifestyle change (LC) consultation. Our aim was to have a positive impact on our patient’s health, as a result of patients’ lifestyle improvement. Our aim is to describe the project; analyse its’ local implementation and contribute to facilitating LC consultations’ implementation in other primary care settings. LC consultations intend a structured approach to unhealthy lifestyles, aiming to decrease excess weight and obesity prevalence and therefore decrease noncommunicable disease incidence in the mid-term and long term. This sort of intervention, carried out by trained professionals applying motivational interview techniques makes it possible to individualize and intensify the intervention, which could improve behaviour change success rate. In the future, it would be important to replicate the project.
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