Qualitative methodologies should also be medicine based on evidence


  • José M. Mendes Nunes Departamento de Medicina Geral e Familiar, NOVA Medical School / Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal.




Evidence-based medicine, Patient-centered care, Communication in health, Qualitative metods, Medical teaching


The classifications of levels of scientific evidence foresee only the quantitative methodologies. However, for the advancement of Person-Centered Medicine, qualitative methodologies are unavoidable. Even if from a more fundamentalist point of view, it is said that they do not generate science, the truth is that they generate fundamental information for clinical, socioeconomic, and teaching decisions. In this sense, we propose a classification of the probability levels of scientific evidence, including qualitative methodologies. In addition, using these methodologies has an added value in training specialties whose practice has communication and the therapeutic relationship as its central core, of which family medicine is the highest exponent.


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How to Cite

Qualitative methodologies should also be medicine based on evidence. (2024). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 40(2), 184-7. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v40i2.13878