Reasons for joining the experimental remuneration scheme


  • Fátima Hipólito Socióloga, Unidade de Sistemas de Saúde da Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Garcia de Orta (AGO);
  • Cláudia Conceição Médica, Unidade de Sistemas de Saúde da Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Garcia de Orta (AGO) e Centro de Malária e de Outras Doenças Tropicais (CMDT) da Universidade Nova de Lisboa;
  • Vítor Ramos Médico, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública;
  • Pedro Aguiar Bioestatístico, Unidade de Sistemas de Saúde da Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Garcia de Orta (AGO);
  • Wim Van Lerberghe Médico, Unidade de Sistemas de Saúde da Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Garcia de Orta e Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Antuérpia, Bélgica;
  • Paulo Ferrinho Médico, Unidade de Sistemas de Saúde da Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Garcia de Orta (AGO), Centro de Malária e de Outras Doenças Tropicais (CMDT) e Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa



Motivation, professional satisfaction, general practitioner, payment system


This study aims to understand who are the general practitioners who applied to the new experimental payment system (EPS) and why. This was a case-control study in which the target population was formed by general practitioners working in Health Centers at national level. «Cases» were the general practitioners, coordinators or someone appointed by them in each candidate group to the EPS until 31 January 2000, and the «controls» were general practitioners working at the same Health Centers of the «cases» but who did not apply to the EPS. The data collection instrument was a direct administration questionnaire, performed between October 2000 and January 2001. In what concerns the assessed motivations, both «cases» and «controls» attributed the same importance to social status and professional prestige, whereas professional fulfillment, professional autonomy, remuneration, work relations, patient accessibility to the professionals, organizational performance and working conditions clearly seemed to be more valued by «cases» than «controls». This study identifies two subpopulations of general practitioners with different characteristics and motivations. Incentives to a better performance in these two subpopulations must take these differences into account.


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How to Cite

Reasons for joining the experimental remuneration scheme. (2002). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 18(2), 89-96.

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