Duration of the consultation: perspectives of doctors and patients


  • Jorge Domingues Nogueira Assistente de Clínica Geral Centro de Saúde de Pontinha, Extensão de Famões




Length/Duration of Consultation, Patient-Physician Relationship


Objectives: To characterise the length (time duration) of consultations conducted by eight general practitioners on five consecutive days, and the corresponding subjective perception by patients. To compare doctors and patients opinions regarding the length of consultation and the reasons given by either for both long and short consultations. Type of Study: Descriptive, cross-sectional. Setting: Five outposts of the Odivelas Health Centre (urban environment). Population: 274 consultations corresponding to eight physicians and 274 patients. Methods: A self-applied questionnaire was given to the doctors and patients. Questionnaires were filled out at the Health Centre premises at the end of each appointment. Results: Average length of consultation was 14.4 minutes, and average length as perceived by patients was 17.7 minutes. Doctors found consultation length adequate in 80.7% of cases, and patients did so in 96.4% of cases. No patients found the consultation too long. Most patients (74.4%) did not find that the doctors appointment with the previous patients was too long. Conclusions: In this sample, physicians were more critical of consultation length than patients. Patients seldom made negativeremarks concerning the doctors performance.


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How to Cite

Duration of the consultation: perspectives of doctors and patients. (2002). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 18(5), 303-12. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v18i5.9889