Medical certification of fitness for sports: Legal and medical liability


  • Jorge Silva Assistente Graduado de Clínica Geral Curso de Mestrado em Medicina Desportiva da FMUP Centro Saúde Campanhã - Porto



Medical Fitness-Sports, Family Physician, Legislation, Specific Training, Medical Liability


The clarification of how and who should issue certificates of medical fitness sport is required, under the laws apparently unclear and even contradictory, and the lack of precise guidelines tutelage. It appears from the analysis of current legislative building that not only the responsibility of the GP issue such certificates to all practitioners, with the exception of high competition, as they can not refuse when requested. The European scene seems to present no substantial differences on this issue. However, this medical procedure involves a medical liability (professional, civil and criminal) plus, given the lack of specific training in medicine of physical exercise and sport. Urge remedy this deficiency and to meet state do it.


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How to Cite

Medical certification of fitness for sports: Legal and medical liability. (2004). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 20(4), 464-8.