Headache secondary to vascular cause


  • Catarina Gomes Interna de Neurocirurgia do Hospital Geral de Santo António, Porto
  • José Barros Assistente Graduado de Neurologia do Hospital Geral de Santo António, Porto; Professor Auxiliar Convidado de Neurologia do ICBAS/UP.
  • Ana Paula Correia Assistente Graduada de Neurologia do Hospital de Magalhães Lemos, Porto
  • Jm Pereira Monteiro 4. Assistente Graduado de Neurologia do Hospital Geral de Santo António, Porto; Professor Agregado de Neurologia do ICBAS/UP.




This article will address the vascular diseases that most often are accompanied by headache or as a manifestation inaugural predominant and that should not be ignored or devalued by clinicians, since they are often the key to early diagnosis in acute isolated or overlapping the situations chronic headaches, they may act as confounding element, an approach less attentive.


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How to Cite

Headache secondary to vascular cause. (2006). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 22(4), 501-11. https://doi.org/10.32385/rpmgf.v22i4.10271