Quality of control of type 2 diabetes Mellitus in a sample of patients in the Braga Health Center
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Quality, Braga Health CentreAbstract
Aim: To analyze type 2 diabetes quality control in a patient sample of Braga Health Centre. Methods: Observational cross-sectional study in the population of type 2 diabetic patients attending Braga Health Centre. We used a non-randomized sample (n=111) and data were collected from patients files. Glycosylated hemoglobine (HbA1c), blood pressure, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglicerids, annual microalbuminuria, annual feet examination and annual oftalmology consultation were used as direct control quality indicators. The prevalence of diabetic micro and macrovascular complications was considered as an indirect control quality indicator. Results were analysed with SPSS/PC (14.0). Results: Sample age mean was 65.54 years; 62.2% were women and 4.5% were active smokers. Direct control quality indicators as HbA1c, HDL-cholesterol, triglicerids and annual feet examination were present in the majority of patients. Blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol criteria were not accomplished in most patients. In 40.5% of patients no record of microalbuminuria was found and in 43.3% there was no information about an oftalmology appointment. Diabetic complications were absent in 61.3% of patients. Most frequent complications were: cardiopathy (31%), nephropathy (29%), retinopathy (24%) and neuropathy (16%). Conclusions: This study emphasises the need to optimize resources and strategies towards type 2 diabetic patients qualityDownloads
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