The diabetic foot


  • Gema Ponce Revilla Interna do 3o ano de Clínica Geral, USF Rodrigues Miguéis - Centro de Saúde Benfica
  • Armando Brito De Sá Médico de Família, USF Rodrigues Miguéis - Centro de Saúde Benfica
  • João Sequeira Carlos Médico de Família, Unidade Medicina Familiar Hospital da Luz



Diabetic Foot, Neuropathic Foot, Ischemic Foot, Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Foot at Risk, Screening of the Diabetic Foot, Prevention


Introduction: Problems arising in the feet of diabetic patients are a critical aspect of their care, both in terms of frequency and consequences. Our aim in this review is to establish practical recommendations for the treatment and preventive of this problem in primary care. Methods: We searched the Pubmed database for articles and reviews on the diabetic foot. We also used standard reference texts. Conclusion: A simple staging system is used to evaluate the risk of development of diabetic foot injuries and to define appropriate screening periods. Management recommendations are made based on a risk classification and the presence of ulceration.


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How to Cite

The diabetic foot. (2007). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 23(5), 615-26.

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