Aerobic exercise and blood pressure in the elderly


  • Romeu Mendes Fisiologista do Exercício, Mestre em Actividade Física para a 3a Idade
  • J. L. Themudo Barata Médico Especialista Medicina Interna e Medicina Desportiva, Doutorado Medicina, Professor Faculdade Ciências da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior; Director Serviço Nutrição e Actividade Física do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira



Exercise, Blood Pressure, Aged


Introduction: Several international organisms have been suggesting aerobic exercise as a strategy of prevention, treatment and control of high blood pressure in population in general. However, the effect of the aerobic exercise on the blood pressure of the elderly is still a barely studied area and the results of the surveys are not always steady. Aim: This review aims to analyse the chronic and acute effects of the aerobic exercise on blood pressure levels of the aged population. Method: A research was carried out through Pubmed and Highwire Press data base. There were also considered the recommendations of several international organizations in the area of cardiology. 67 articles were included in the study. Conclusions: The aerobic exercise, either acute or chronic, seems to reduce the levels of both clinical and ambulatory blood pressures on aged individuals, especially the hypertensive ones. Therefore, it appears to subsist enough evidences to consider the aerobic exercise as a non-pharmaceutical therapeutic strategy, and as a change in the lifestyle, vital for the prevention, treatment and control of high blood pressure in aged individuals. Health professionals must have an active role in the recommendation of exercise to the elderly population, leading to the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases.


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How to Cite

Aerobic exercise and blood pressure in the elderly. (2008). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 24(2), 251-7.

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