Prevention of pneumococcal disease in adults in primary health care: future perspectives


  • Rodrigo Costa UCSP Matosinhos – ACeS Matosinhos. Porto, Portugal.
  • Rui P. Costa Sãvida Medicina Apoiada, SA. Lisboa, Portugal.



Pneumococcal disease, Pneumococcal vaccines, Invasive pneumococcal disease, Pneumococcal infections, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pneumonia


Pneumococcal disease is a public health priority in the adult population. Streptococcus pneumoniae causes pneumococcal disease and older people and those with chronic diseases or immunocompromised are at increased risk. Pneumococcal vaccines reduce the incidence of pneumococcal disease, particularly invasive disease. However, some serotypes not included in current vaccines have emerged as an important cause of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD). Greater vaccination coverage of the adult population could reduce the burden of pneumococcal disease. There are national and international recommendations for pneumococcal immunization. As a result of the development of the PCV15 and PCV20 conjugate vaccines, the recommendations should be revised according to recent scientific evidence. Given the Portuguese epidemiological reality of IPD, the preferential implementation of a simple and universal national vaccination strategy based on a single dose of the PCV20 conjugate vaccine may contribute to faster and longer-lasting health gains. The family doctor plays a key role in the prevention and implementation of pneumococcal vaccination in the adult population, aiming for their protection and better health outcomes.


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Author Biography

  • Rui P. Costa, Sãvida Medicina Apoiada, SA. Lisboa, Portugal.

    Especialista em Medicina Geral e Familiar

    Diretor Sãvida Medicina Apoiada, SA


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How to Cite

Prevention of pneumococcal disease in adults in primary health care: future perspectives. (2023). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 39(6), 601-8.

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