The role of general practitioners in the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia of atypical presentation: a case report
Pneumonia, Primary health care, Differential diagnosis, Back painAbstract
Introduction: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the most common diagnoses in clinical practice, an important reason for unscheduled consultations in primary health care and emergency departments, with an increasing incidence in recent years. In patients with chronic comorbidities, the suspicion threshold should be even lower, as the form of presentation is often different from the classic one.
Case description: We present the case of a 39-year-old man with a previous history of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, who attended the emergency department for low back pain and fever and was diagnosed with renal colic. He subsequently consulted his primary care physician, to obtain a prescription for an imaging examination. However, due to persistent low back pain, fatigue, dyspnea, and crackles in the left lung base, we considered the alternative diagnostic hypothesis of community-acquired pneumonia. The patient was treated empirically with amoxicillin 1000mg every 8 hours for seven days, together with azithromycin 500mg 1id for five days, and a chest X-ray was ordered. The patient had no complaints at the reassessment visit and was clinically stable.
Comment: The main goal of this case report is to raise awareness of the less common presentations of pneumonia in primary healthcare and to state the importance of quality post-hospital care follow-up, which works as a safety net, ensuring favorable clinical outcomes and early detection of possible complications.
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