Satisfaction and evaluation of general practice and family medicine vocational training in different organizational models: observational study


  • Vera Pires Assistente Graduada de Medicina Geral e Familiar. USF Casa dos Pescadores, ULS Póvoa de Varzim. Vila do Conde, Portugal.
  • Maria da Luz Loureiro Assistente Graduada Sénior de Medicina Geral e Familiar. Coordenadora da Coordenação do Internato de Medicina Geral e Familiar da Zona Norte. Porto, Portugal.



Evaluation, Satisfaction, Organizational model, General practice and family medicine


Aim of the study: Understand whether the organizational model of the health unit in which the vocational training in general practice and family medicine takes place impacts the satisfaction of intern doctors and evaluation scores.

Methods: Cross-sectional observational study, analytical component. Population: doctors who finished their training in 2021/2022, in the North zone of Portugal. Satisfaction and informed consent questionnaires were sent by email and data on evaluation scores were obtained. Favorable opinion from the Ethics Committee.

Results: One hundred sixty-eight responses were obtained (60%). When choosing the training location, expectations were statistically higher in those who chose USF B (p=0.031). Stated that they were completely/very satisfied 77.3% (54.6% UCSP, 74% USF A, 80% USF B); greater satisfaction was related to the opportunity to carry out consultations independently, reception, and the opportunity to present work. Teamwork was most appreciated at USF B 76.2%, 70.4% at USF A, and 36.4% at UCSP. Only 57.7% felt their work schedule was respected (72.8% at UCSP, 66.6% at USF A, and 54.6% at USF B). Continuous assessment scores were statistically higher at USF compared to UCSP (p=0.006); those for final assessment were statistically higher at USF B compared to UCSP (p=0.033).

Discussion and Conclusion: The organizational model of the health unit had an impact on the satisfaction of intern doctors as well as on evaluation scores. It would be important to apply the study at a national level, include other variables, and carry out a longitudinal study, monitoring satisfaction throughout the internship.


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How to Cite

Satisfaction and evaluation of general practice and family medicine vocational training in different organizational models: observational study. (2024). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 40(5), 462-75.